ZigBee Technology
ZigBee Technology
- zigBee is low rate wireless public are network (PAN), that was developed by IEEE 802.15.4 task group.
- IEEE 802.15.15.4 task group focused on low data rate wireless public are network (WPAN) solution with low complexity and very long battery life.
- Hence , ZigBee is a low power, low data rate, low bandwidth and close proximity wireless adhoc network.
Frequency band
- ZigBee is intended to operate in the unlicensed and international frequency bands.
- The three frequency bands allocated to this standard are 868 Mhz , 915 MHz and 2.4 GHz band.
Type of modulation
- ZigBee transmits a speed spectrum modulated signal by using either binary PSK (BPSK) or minimal PSK (MPSK) modulation depending on the data rate.
- The range of ZigBee standard is between 10 and 75 meters line- of - sight depending on power consumption.
- The ZigBee MAC layer Support different adhoc topology and guaranteed packet delivery.
- ZigBee network are secured by 128 bit symmetrical encryption keys. ZigBee is best suitable for intermittent data transmission.
Features of ZigBee
- small rang (10 or 75 m).
- low cost.
- Low battery consumption.
- Low data rate (upto 250kbps).
- It is easy to implement.
- It uses low power digital ratio links for connections.
- Secured communication by 128 bit symmetrical encryption key.
- ZigBee can automatically establish its network.
- Frequency band 868 MHZ , 915 MHz, 2.4GHz.
- used spread spectrum communication.
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