Friday, April 3, 2020

WIMAX (WMAN) Network Architecture

WIMAX (WMAN) Network Architecture 

  • The WiMAX radio system is designed to either replace or to act as a supplement for the existing broadband Internet distribution system.
  • There is a competition between WiMAX and 3G wireless service and ISP that distributes the Internet access via telephone lines to fixed locations.
  • WIMAX / WMAN Network Architecture 
  • Discuss WiMAX in detail and compare its performance with Wi-Fi. (May 17, Dec. 18, 10 Marks) Write short note on: IEEE 802.16
  • The home and business subscribers of WiMAX, always use either WiFi or a wired LAN for distribution of the network within their buildings.
  • A typical distributed WiMAX network architecture is as shown in above Fig. 
  • The WIMAX equipment consists of basic base station equipment, radio equipment and WIMAX link to the backbone network.
  • The base staton acts as the interface between the WiMAX network and the mobile users such Wi-Fi hotspots, notebooks or residential Internet access
  • In urban areas a typical base station covers the radius of around 500-900m.
  • A distributed WiMAX network is easy to install as compared to the traditional cellular networks, reduces operational and capital cost as well
  • With the use of WiMAX, the operators can provide higher speed with less cost. Some particular WIMAX network architectüre offers a simple, peer-to-peer architecture


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