Multicavity Klystron Amplifiers
- Typically power gain of two -cavity klystron is 30dB .
- To increase the overall gain, connect several two-cavity tubes in cascade, feeding the output of each of the tubes to the input of following one.
- So, to provide high -gain multicavity klystron have designed and produced.
Construction or working
Diagram of Multicavity Klystron Amplifiers |
- Fig. above shows the construction of four cavity klystron.
- Here intermediate cavity act as a buncher which passes electron beam inducing an enhanced RF voltage than the previous cavity.
- With four cavities, power gain of around 50 dB can be easily achieved.
- Practically upto seven cavities have been used.
- For narrow band operation , the cavities can be tuned to the same frequency i.r synchronous tuning.
- For broadband operation the intermediate cavities are tuned to either side of center frequency i.e stagger tuning.
- Stagger tuning improve the bandwidth.
- Stagger tuning is employed in UHF klystron for TV transmitter output tubes and satellite earth station transmitter as power amplifier at 6GHz.
- It is used as a medium, high and very high power amplifier in the UHF and microwave ranges.
- Used in satellite earth station transmitter as power amplifier.
- Used in UHF TV transmitter.
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