- The optical fiber communication system for either digital or analog transmission.
- The transmitter consists of an information encoder or signal shaping circuit preceding a modulation or electronic driver stage which operates the optical source.
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Block Diagram of Fiber optic Communication System (FOC) |
- Light emitted from the source is launched into an optical fiber.
- The light emerging from the far end of the transmission medium is converted back into an electrical signal by an detector.
- Detector is positioned at the input of the receiver.
- The electrical signal is than amplified prior to decoding or demodulation to obtain original information signal.
- There is requirement for electrical interfacing at either end of optical link and at present the signal processing is usually performed electrically.
- The information signal to be transmitted may be voice, video or computer data.
- The first step is to convert the information into a from compatible with the communications medium.
- This is done by converting continuous analog signal such as voice and video signal into a series of digital pulses.
- An ADC is used to convert analog into digital.
- Then digital pulse are used to fiash a powerful light source off and on very rapidly.
- In low- cost systems for short distance communication LED is a light source.
- LED is semiconductor device it emits light.
- Color of light emitted depends on material used to construct LED.
- Another commonly used light source is the solid-state laser.
- LASER is also a semiconductor device which generates single-frequency light beam.
- The light beam pulses are than fed into a fiber-optic cable.
- At the receiving end , a light sensitive device i.e. photocell or light detector is used to detect the light pulses.
- light detector converts the light pulses into electrical signal.
- The electrical pulses are amplified and reshaped back into digital from.
- They are fed to a decoder, such as DAC where the original voice or video is recovered.
- in very long transmission systems, repeater units must be used along the way.
- Since the light is greatly attenuated when it travels over long distances, at some point it may be too weak to be received reliably.
- To overcome to attenuation problem, special relay stations are used to pick up the light beam, convert it back into electrical pulse that are amplified , and than re-transmit the pulses on another light beam.
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